Thursday, October 09, 2008
By posting again a mere five months after my last blogging adventure I am quite certain I have surpassed all expectations...including my own. This post will unfotunately bore both of my readers, as it contains information of which they are already aware.
First, Lindsey and I celebrated our third anniversary yesterday by not seeing each other at all; this on the heels of our second anniversary, which we celebrated by not seeing each other very much. I left for work quite early in the morning, and she went from volleyball practice (she's coaching again) to chinese class in the afternoon/evening/night. Good times.
Second, we will be joining the ranks of parents all over the world when our first little one arrives in March.
Other than that, it's just work, class, and getting some early practice at not having enough sleep (with a little bit of hockey thrown in on the weekends).
'Til next time...
posted by Tom 9:08 PM